December 2015
Gullberna Park Karlskrona

December Swing

Karlskrona December Swing 2015

Join us for the 6th edition of Karlskrona December Swing!

Karlskrona December Swing is a workshop and party event which aims to inspire the way you think about rhythm, expression and movement, and teach you how to apply this to your Lindy Hop.

This year will be slightly different from previous years, but the friendly and creative learning environment
atmosphere will be the same ;-). Everything will happen during one day, Saturday December 5 2015. Show up at
10:30, classes start at 10:45.


There will be two tracks:
Groovers – for beginner lindy hoppers
Moovers – for experienced lindy hoppers

The Groovers will have a day entirely devoted to Lindy Hop, rhythms and moves. This is a partner dancing track and
you will be asked to rotate partners during the class. The target of the track is to improve your rhythm, body
movement and your social dancing. The Groovers will have two Lindy Hop classes (1,5hx2) and one taster class (1h)
(Shim Sham or Tap Introduction).

The Moovers will have a day entirely devoted to authentic jazz, Charleston, and solo movement. Even if this is a solo
track, there may be partner dancing exercises (does not matter who is leading and who is following). The target of
the track is to improve your solo movement and to apply this in your Lindy Hop. The Moovers will have two solo dancing classes (1,5hx2) and one taster class (1h) (Shim Sham or Tap Introduction).

Level descriptions

Groovers - You are still quite new to swing dancing, but you have danced for at least 3 months. You are familiar to the basic 6-count moves (tuck turn/under the arm, change place etc.) and are aware of basic leading/following technique. You have been introduced to 8-count moves (swing out, circle, etc.).

Moovers - You have been dancing for some time and realize that your partner dancing will benefit if you improve your solo movement. You realize that you cannot “dance your partner”, instead you understand that “your dancing will affect your partner” and by attending KDS you will improve, not only your solo movement, but also your Lindy Hop.

Magnus Ekström, Tap Introduction*
Ida Björklund & Mattias Andersson, Solo dancing and Lindy Hop
Ulf Ackmer & Sandra Svanberg, Solo dancing and Lindy Hop
*No tap shoes needed, use your regular dance shoes if you do not have tap shoes.

The evening

19:00-20:00 Lindy Hop Crash Course (no dance experience needed)
20:00-24:00 Social dancing (DJ and hopefully a live band (TBA)).

Filmsalen, Gullberna Park, Karlskrona


Normal price: 400 SEK workshop and party
Student price: 300 SEK workshop and party

If you can only join the party, you do not need to register, you pay at the door (100/50 SEK).

Registration open on Tipsy Dansklubbs webpage:

As always it is super important that you sign up as soon as possible! If you are a student, remember to comment your registration and bring your student ID to KDS.

Register here: http://www3.idrottonline.se/TipsyDansklubb-Danssport/Kurser/Kursprogram/

Please note that you need to register at the Tipsy website (http://www3.idrottonline.se/TipsyDansklubb-
Danssport/Kurser/Kursprogram/) to participate (it is not enough to click “Join” at the Facebook event).

Get ready for 1 day of classes, 1 party, and a great atmosphere!

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Visar platsen där evenemanget utspelar sig(Gullberna Park). Positionen är angiven av den som lagt upp evenemanget. December Swing, Gullberna Park


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